architectural , interior design and project visualisations

P R O J E C T   D E S I G N   :                                                               


house plans               :     The simplest house plans as an aid to selling your house privately or through an agent . The fees for this type of work are very modest and are discussed and agreed at the outset .

building projects      :     We can provide ideas and schemes for your projects including designs and plans and if required visualisation drawings to help you see what your project will look like . This can save frustration and money later . There is more on visualisation on the following pages .

project visualisation     You can click on the VISUALISATION button on the HOME page to obtain the information on this very useful option . Clicking on the GALLERY button on the HOME page will bring up the shots of the work samples. You can then scroll through the G A L L E R Y to view sample shots.  Clicking on each of the  images will enlarge them  . There are three category buttons on this page, MAIN, INTERIORS and PROJECT GALLERY. The MAIN button is for the
main gallery, the INTERIORS button shows shots of interior sketches etc, and the PROJECT GALLERY brings up samples of projects specific to the Leisure Industry .
Hovering the cursor on the bottom right of each image will give you a brief description of each shot so that you relate one shot to another. The descriptions also show on the bottom left of the enlarged shots.

interior design          :     We also provide an interior design consultancy that can include plans , design drawings and visuals .

product design         :     We can interpret your product design ideas into visual drawings for your own and your clients benefit .

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